Pearl of Africa

13 days 400MI/650km

The Ultimate Trip
Through The Pearl Of Africa

Have you been dreaming of a bike trip in Africa for some time? Would you like to experience the pearl of Africa in an original way?


13 days 400 mi / 650km




min 14 riders to max 30

Why come on this trip you ask?

With our 15 years of experience on site, we have developed the “ultimate” trip through the pearl of Africa for you. This is a very complete bike trip with almost all tourist highlights included and with attention and respect for the people whose daily lives we can admire. 13 travel days, of which 11 on the bike, full of action and adventure. You will visit three national parks (Lake Mburo, Queen Elisabeth & Murchison Falls) and you will also cycle through and past the Ruwenzori, Kibale forest, Lake Albert, the Victoria & Albert Nile, etc.

Our unique approach to this adventure

All stages can be ridden at your own pace using GPS (the devices are provided). Or we can upload the trail GPX file on your own GPS 

We love our trail riding to be frustration free! So there is no trying to keep up or waiting for the group


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Unforgettable experiences and
great time guaranteed


A Trip To Remember

Afterwards you can say “I have seen Uganda”!

Cycling among herds of wild animals, seeing how the locals live and work, enjoying beautiful nature and breathtaking views, enjoying a glass of wine in the evening: it’s all there. We will meet and say goodbye at Entebbe airport, but you can feel free to extend your trip (with a gorilla safari, for example). We can also arrange your flights if desired.

Daily distances vary between 30Mi/48km and 70mi/115 km.





You stay in a mixture of hotels, hostels, and log cabins – sometimes luxurious, sometimes simple – but always in a bed, never camping.