Adventure Biking

10 days 000MI/000km

A mix of the best
Wild trails in Iceland

The best of Iceland, in the southern volcano region. As a warm-up, the best trails east of Reykjavik and the highlight is the famous Laugavegur trail, where we enjoy three days of super-spectacular biking up to the Skogafoss waterfall!


10 days 000 mi / 000km




min 14 riders to max 30

Why come on this trip you ask?

The meeting and farewell is in Reykjavik, so you have the opportunity to extend your travel dates if desired and/or coordinate with interesting flights. We put our 4×4 and off-road trailer on the boat from Rotterdam about ten days in advance, and we can take the bikes of the first 10 participants with us (on a first come, first served basis).

The stages are not very long in kilometers but have a high adventure content and on the Laugavegur trail with the necessary hike-a-bike sections. These are all beautifully filled days. It has everything that makes Iceland so fantastic: days of single track, occasional slopes through the most beautiful landscapes, over a partially snow-covered volcano, past enormous canyons and waterfalls, through valleys with hot springs (hot pools along the way and regularly in the evening!). We spend the night in hotels and on the Laugavegur itself in comfortable 4-person tents with a large central space where you can stand upright, with two 2-person sleeping compartments to the left and right.

Our unique approach to this adventure

All stages can be ridden at your own pace using GPS (the devices are provided). Or we can upload the trail GPX file on your own GPS 

We love our trail riding to be frustration free! So there is no trying to keep up or waiting for the group


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Unforgettable experiences and
great time guaranteed


A Trip To Remember

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut placerat velit diam, sed facilisis nunc tempor ac. Vivamus et fermentum urna. Aenean eleifend, tellus in dapibus pharetra, lorem nisi placerat leo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut placerat velit diam, sed facilisis nunc tempor ac. Vivamus et fermentum urna. Aenean eleifend, tellus in dapibus pharetra, lorem nisi placerat leo





We spend the night in hotels and on the Laugavegur itself in comfortable 4-person tents with a large central space where you can stand upright, with two 2-person sleeping compartments to the left and right.