10 days 480MI/750km

The Bike Trip
Of A Lifetime

The Colorado Trail is a WILD , epic and legendary 480 mi / 750 km long trail through the Rocky Mountains, from Denver to Durango.


10 days 480 mi /750km




min 12 riders to max 15

The entire trail winds through this mountain range north to south , it only passes through villages at a few points and the path is only open to hikers, mountain bikers and horse riders – a dream for mountain biking.

There are “wilderness areas” where bikers are not allowed to pass, thanks to our years exploring the region we The Wild Trails has developed a 10-day tour, in which we completely avoid the wilderness detours to spend more time enjoying the miles and miles of high alpine singletrack.

One one of the days we take a little detour from the Colorado trail to ride the uber Epic Monarch crest trail!!

So this is basically “the best of” the legendary Colorado Trail .

Mountain bike experience is absolutely necessary. The trails are almost 100% back country .The high altitude of the trail (almost entirely between 8200ft / 2500m and 13200ft / 4000m altitude) makes the tour extra difficult.

The Colorado Trail ends in Durango, not far from Moab, Utah. We therefore take the opportunity to spend a few days exploring the “must-do” trails of Moab: the Slickrock Trail , The Whole Enchillada and Captain Ahab…


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Unforgettable experiences and
great time guaranteed


A Trip For Adventurers

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You stay in a mixture of hotels, hostels, and log cabins – sometimes luxurious, sometimes simple – but always in a bed, never camping.

Daily distances vary between 30Mi/48km and 70mi/115 km.