Deep Canyons

9 days 160MI/260km

Cycling Through Morocco's
Majestic Mountain Range

The mountain range of the Anti Atlas separates the Sahara from the rest of Morocco. We cycle through this mountain chain, intersected with huge canyons and at the edge of the western Sahara.


9 days 160 mi /260km




min 12 riders to max 18

Why come on this trip you ask?

The mountain range of the Anti Atlas separates the Sahara from the rest of Morocco. We cycle through this mountain chain, intersected with huge canyons and at the edge of the western Sahara.

According to many of our previous guests ,one of our best trips, a Bike Adventure of EPIC proportions , vistas and encounters.

We will follow an absolutely unique and adventurous route through this Berber heartland, over single tracks and following the ancient caravan routes that wind through spectacular landscapes, plateaus and valleys.

Our unique approach to this adventure

All stages can be ridden at your own pace using GPS (the devices are provided). Or we can upload the trail GPX file on your own GPS 

We love our trail riding to be frustration free! So there is no trying to keep up or waiting for the group


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Unforgettable experiences and
great time guaranteed



Adversity has a remarkable way of bringing people together, fostering bonds that transcend mere acquaintance and evolve into deep, enduring friendships.

Vivamus et fermentum urna. Aenean eleifend, tellus in dapibus pharetra, lorem nisi placerat leo





We spend the night in hotels and on the Laugavegur itself in comfortable 4-person tents with a large central space where you can stand upright, with two 2-person sleeping compartments to the left and right.